Saturday, August 9, 2008

#9 (Week 4): Technorati


Sorry everyone I would not give you
fifty cents for this web site.

I tried a few times to see the Technorati
Tour videocast, but gave up on that.

I then went into the main page and put
"Learning 2.0" in search for Blog and then tag.
No differents, but went in a different way and
produced a result.

Learnt a new word geek, someone who is geek
must have designed this website.

News and the Olympics both in 2nd place.
141 Blogs on the Olympics.

1 comment:

Aunty of 3 said...

I didn't like Technorati either but I guess we have to take the bad with the good and there have been some good sites in this exercise. I loved Flickr & De.lici.ous!