Sunday, September 14, 2008


When I started these exercises a few weeks
ago I did not know how far I would get, in this
I will be honest I did not think I would get through,
because I am not on the computer at work and
felt it would be a piece of cake to the others.
I have surprised myself in being able to do it.
I found some excises quite easy while others
were a bit difficult to do.
When I came to flickr and learnt about that one,
I thought I would try doing a cellphone image as
I use a digtal camera a lot.
Had a few goes on downloading it as I have found
you need to do it the same as your digtal camera.
eBooks I feel is a great website and I most likely,
use that one again. This one I new nothing about it.
My friends have been very interested in the different
websites I have been useing and wanted to know,
about them as they have never used the sites either.
You Tube has been good to learn as I have been
getting e-mails with you tube on it.
That one I am useing now.
Zoho writer I think that one is great.
I may use that one when I have quite a bit of work
to do that has to be sent away.
The generator was great fun.
Iceberg I enjoyed that exercise and was able to
write about a subject I know about.
A lot of exercises did surprise me because I new
nothing about them. I had heard of some of the
different names like i pod, but apart from that
not many of the others.
Thanks for letting me take part in this programme.

Thursday, September 11, 2008



My thoughts on Social Networking in a library
setting needs a lot of thought, before being put
into practice.
I feel first you must have enough trained staff to
operate it once it is up and running and also to
establish this site. Safety is another aspect.

There are the pros and cons on this subject, as
far as the law is concerned, especially if you have
patrons abusing it.

If you are going to have a your Space my Space
network, it must be well layed out how you are
going to run it and police it.
I feel if it is set up right and doing it for young
people , then I feel it would be great.

As one bloger mentioned you could have some
young people helping with my Space by answering
their questions.

I think it would work well on the North Shore Libraries.
You may even like to have it in conjuction with some
of the school Libraries as well.
It would be one way of keeping the young people
off the streets.

You could have young people also helping to set up
the site and doing a slide show or video on the
positive things they do like playing intruments,
singing, using a computer and all sorts of things
that young people are interested in.

I had a look at all the sites and found some of the
libraries overseas have got it mentioned on there
site that they have "My Space."
They also have slide shows done by the young
people on positive things that they are doing.
Had a bit of problems with the little red eye coming
up while I was in this Exercise in List of Libraries.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008



When I first looked at this exercise I thought what
next are we going to be doing in Libraries.

It took me a few times going to the different sites
before I found different ways of getting in without
loging in, as I did not want to become a member in
my Space, so I did not see much in that site.

Facebook was a different story after having a go
three or four times.
Found the videos and I watch some of the one called
"Its all geek to me "Wireless internet Suri"

Hitwise broadcast I took a tour when I sorted out the
different section at the top of the screen.

Went into "My Space Sunrise" and watch the You tube.

Found the Social networking video on the designer
of Facebook in one of the sites.

Over all yes these websites will be great for the younger

people who want to make friends and do facebook pages.

I feel I don't need to do this on the web, as enough people
know me in New Zealand and Overseas. I find it is hard
enough keeping up with all my mates now leave alone
to many more to e-mail to.

Saturday, September 6, 2008



I think all older people should get themselves
are laptop so they can read any book they like.

It was fun going into all the websites and having
a look at what is round in ebooks.

William Shakespeare had works in more than the
public domain. In the public domain I downloaded
an Audio and heard the poem called "Blow Blow
the winter wind which I have not heard for a long time.

The different websites had different setups.
Some were more easier than others.

I found out some books you can only read some pages
while others you could read the book or download it
if the book was no longer being printered.

Went to Google Earth and went into one of the books
of W. Shakespeare. That site took me a wee while to
get to Shakespeares works but finally found it.
The other ones were easy.

Guttenberg has works finished and works that is in the
process of being put onto the computer.

I feel more so now, that we don't need to hold more than
one book in the Auckland Region in the stack collection
that is in the ebooks that are free to download.

Here is some of the places I have been.

Friday, September 5, 2008



Well I feel I have learnt a lot in the last
few weeks on this course.
I had heard of ipods but did not know anything
about them.

Over the last few days I have been playing
around with the diffirent sites and just been
going from one thing to another and before
you know it, a couple of hours has gone by.

It is easy to foreget the time when you are
having fun.

I was not quite sure at first going round the site
to which places to click on.

I now know that a podcast is a audio that you
can listen to.
There is the basic podcast and then you have the
one that has slides too.
The third a vodcast (or video podcast.

Some of them did not have the feeds.
One book I looked at was "slow down
to speed up" by Lothar J. Stewart.
That took my fancy seeing I am always
beening told to slow down by my family
and friends.

The other was children in schools.
What problems they have.

Another site I went into was,
"Library work sheet." Then into Tips. Library.
Then it said "Library under construction"
I thought that was great. It reminded me
of what is happening at Birkenhead.
My rss feed is blogging from the elley.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I think we better have a corner or room
in the next few years for our Keenages.

I think those who don't have a computer
will want to have a looked at the You Tubes
at the library.

Yes I feel there is a place in the library,
where they can be used. Mainly to show a
patron how to use it and could also be used as
a learning tool like, we are doing now.
Before these exercises I did not know
much about the You Tube.

I have had a look at a number of sites.
Found one in library stuff called "Hilarious"
and the song was titled "Its the end of the
world and he feels fine."

Library Dominoes, what fun they had putting
all the books right.

I also saw the video on adventures of a Super
Librarian, in two places. It was the title why I
picked this one. I thought this one would be
interesting seeing I work in a Library, plus
I was able to see it through.
I felt she was a bit quick putting those books away.

The negative side they take so long to load,
but if you have all day it does not matter.

Looked at some of the other ones.
There is a lot rubbish but you soon pick
them out.

Heard Abba, takes me back a few years.

The video on our Exercise takes me back
a few years, books in cabinets.
No talking in Libraries. Big Trolleys.
Libraries not very nice to look at, as
there is nothing on the walls.

Another one I watch was on 24 hours in
London. That one took me back to my
trip when I was in London.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I decide after looking around a few of the sites
to do maps from Google.

Flickr has a map site to but I thought Google
would be better.

"Google" was awarded first place along with
"Live Search Maps" coming second and
"Google Earth" coming third.

It had the you tube which you could type
in and get a map up to where you were
flying anywhere in the world.

I did a few maps and then decided to try and
do one with Brown"s Bay North Shore Auckland.

To my amazement it worked.
So I printed a sheet out.

I was going to try and send it to my blog
but was not sure how to go about it.
I may come back and do one later if I
find out how to do it.

I found it took a wee while to sort out how to
go about it.

I think this site would be very useful in the Library.

It came up as world map first and then you typed
in what state and country you wanted to search.
Here is the site I was in.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Well here I am again doing a blog on Number 16.
Signing in was easy this time.

Did not think at first I was going to be able to
get in to this website.

Have tried another way of getting a page to write on,
as it kept telling you all about the website.

Anyway I have done my first bit of writing
and will see if I have done what I was required to do.

I was waiting for the page to come up where
you save it, but did not come up.

Here is where I was. http:
I found with going on the internet everything
took so as it is so slow to do anything.

I will say when you do write, everything is their for you.

Yes I think this is another tool that could be used
in the library.

I feel that I may used this website too more as once
I got used to it , I found it great.

Friday, August 22, 2008



Well I am not sure about this website as I
found I was not getting anywhere very fast.

I seemed to lose things very easy that I
thought I had created.

Anyway I have managed to create an account
and have things done in my dashboard.

Will have another go and see how I get on.

Most than likely it will be another quite useful
site when working on the reference desk.

With Firefox you have to decide if you want to stay
with the software you are with or change
to Firefox.

I know some people prefer Firefox
but I don't know if I would use it as much as
with the one I am with at home.

It might be very useful on the reference desk.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008



This website is very interesting.

I had a great times looking at all the book covers.

This would be great for anyone with a big library
at home, because you could cataloge all
your books on line.

Once I new what to do I was right.

Have spent a couple of afternoons clicking
on all the buttons and seeing what came up.

I found down loading this picture very easy.

I have selected six books, a mixture of
fiction and non-fiction.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Well have I had some fun
in this website.
I have managed to down
load this one, the beach one,
not quite sure yet how I did it,
but here it is.

I have been in the three
websites and found them
most interesting.

I had a go at creating my own
glowstick with craftwoman
but had trouble down
loading that one.

The greeting cards was most
interesting. I found I had the
little red eye come up all
the time warning me I might crash,
which was a bit of a nusisane.

It is a great site if you want to
create something
different for a change.
I love it.
I could play for hours looking
at everything.
I also had another play on the
world map putting on the map
all the places I have been to.
Well I have had another go
and have done what I wanted
to do this weekend.

Thursday, August 14, 2008



Well I don't know about this website.
It was easy to get into, but I was not
sure what I had to do.

I have left my name and I thought I will
have another look at it but I don't think
it is my cup of tea.

I feel their other sites I would sooner play
round on.

Exercise (11) Week 4 WIKI


Well as they say you learn something new
everyday, when you are looking at new websites
on the computer, like we are on this course.
Till I started this course, I never new nothing
about Wikis.

What I have seen of this website it is like a big
library with a lot of imformation gathered together
on a lot of different subjects.

Just looking at it from the outside, it looks a great
network and well set out.

When you look more closely at it, you find that
anyone can gather information and put it on the website.
You are also able to add to information or
change the information or even delete what has
been written without it being edited.

I myself feel we have other resources that are more
reliable like the online Worldbook, BBC News and
others for up to the minute information.

This site I would only use at the last resort
for a fairly general question, but would also
tell the customer that it may not be acurate.

People who come to the library for information
usually like acurate information to their questions.

I tried to look at the information on Peter Blake
but had problemns.

Monday, August 11, 2008


By Ric Anderson

After reading the first three prepectives,
I decided to read the rest first.
They were all most interesting to read.
After reading them all I have come to the
conclusion that all Librarian should do
the web. 2.0. Exercises.

I feel Rick Anderson sums it up in a nutshell.

"Yes" his coments on the "Just in case collection."
I feel are right. This I think mainly on the
"Stack collection." How much do we need to keep?
Do we need to keep say three books the same in
the three big Libraries in the Auckland Region.

Could that be cut down to one if these books have
not been out for ten to twenty years at all.

Again can I say could more of the "Stack books"
be in say Wellington to ease up space in our
overloaded libraries.

It is not that many years ago when we did
everything by hand or on a "Tpyewriter."

The customer in those days had to come to
our Libraries for help. Especially reference Questions.
How things have changed. Remember the days
when reference books were locked up in cupboards
and only Librarians got those books out.

Catologing was done by looking up the catolog.
In this last ten years things have changed so
quickly from hand to computers and self check

We do need to let go of the old and keep up with
the changes that happening around us in the
Techonogly world we live in.

We also need to change to what our "Patrons"
want of our Libraries these days.

Computers I feel must have websites that are
easy to operate for our patrons.

A few years down the track I feel there will
be more business coming in by phone or E-mail
or other Techonogly Equipment.

Digital equipment I feel will play a big part in the
very near future.

Goodness knows what else will come on the market
in the "Techonogly Field,"

In the next couple of years and we must be ready
for the changes.

We just cannot sit back and say we will be right.


After a few goes I managed to get the video
going. What I saw of it, it showed quite a bit
which was very interesting to watch. Which
was in bits and pieces.

Hope some time to get a good look at it again.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

#9 (Week 4): Technorati


Sorry everyone I would not give you
fifty cents for this web site.

I tried a few times to see the Technorati
Tour videocast, but gave up on that.

I then went into the main page and put
"Learning 2.0" in search for Blog and then tag.
No differents, but went in a different way and
produced a result.

Learnt a new word geek, someone who is geek
must have designed this website.

News and the Olympics both in 2nd place.
141 Blogs on the Olympics.

Exercise #8 (Week 4) DEL.ICIO.US


Well after a few false starts with my computer
I managed to get started on this exercise.

I spent quite a bit of time in the sites on
Saturday of Discovery Resoures.
In the finish I thought I better get out of this and
get some Blogging done.

As I said in the last Exercise you can spend so
much time just looking round as there is so much
to see in the websites.

I went into Nashville Public Library.
They had 24 Magazines tagged, and was one on
While in there I clicked on web 2.0 and 130.872 views
popped up.
The video was called "Blogging for beginniners" but
did not run very well.

I also went into Lansing Public Library,
clicked on "Library TechBlog"
That came up like the exercises we are doing.
Fire Fox, Demio & tips.
I then clicked on Penn Tags
"Popular tags used 93 times. Cookbooks 101,
7307 recipes. I quite liked the "Spring Tabbouleh"
recipe in the salad section.

Travel is the most popular site on

Also went into Ajax Libraries API.
Then into API Maps examples and did a few.

Had a quick look at the "university libraries"
round the world.
No 19 I clicked on which was the "Oxford
text Archives which had quite a bit on the
history of King Henry.
The Popular book marks was
"Travel web 2.0 No. 14, 864 tags.
Had a quick look at Travel uk, and Early
Modern London.
Last of all went into the BBC News
& Traffic of London.

It is another site that can be used
in the Library but it only gives a little
bit of information at a glance.

Last of all I went into Librarything for Libraries,
Then just went into diffrent windows,
one was Thing-ology.

Yes it is another great website but I wonder if
we would use this one that much at the Library.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Exercise (#7.1)- (#7.2) and RSS

Wow! What a web site.
You could sit all day and night and still
find more information to see.

My poor E-mails have been getting a bit
neglected lately.

At first I found it quite confusing.
I spent a couple of nights and afternoon
looking round all the sites in the Exercise.
I will say it is a great web site for up to the
minute information.

I feel it will be a great advantage for those
people working on the reference desk to
know about these sites.

For myself I still like my hard copy newspaper
that I can sit down with a nice hot cup of tea.
(And my Mania Puzzle book.)
Plus my children keep me up to date
on news and weather from the websites
they use.

The different feeders are great to.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Exercise #6 (Week2)


Well over the last fifty years things have advanced
so much that it is unreal.
Who would have thought fifty years ago we would
have cellphones with cameras and portable DVD's
that you could carry where ever you went on holiday,
to show your family and friends all your photos.
I just love my portable DVD especially when you have
grandchildren wanting to watch something when the
adults want to watch the news.
The portable DVD is so light and one can just pop it in
your handbag when travelling on the plane.

Discovery Exercise (#5)

Well what a website. I have spent a few hours just looking
round the different sites. I had a friend who said join flickr
and have some fun. I have just had fun looking round the
different maps that are on the web.

I had a look at most of them, and found myself spending too
much time seeing what else there was to see.

The F.D. Toys map maker was great. Which is on site., which was the link, I put in Auckland N.Z.
and then Bus stops. That was great.

The other thing I did was, I looked at Wikipedia site and found the world map.
I put onto the map what places I had visited in the world.
Looking at the world map after the places, I had named in had been highlighted
I have only seen a little bit of the world.
I was amazed what they use mapping for etc. crime, history, weather
and a whole lot of other things.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


#2 (WEEK 1)

I have done many crocheted cloths and

hardhanger clothes over the years.

I have made two big ones that

fit a four foot round table and

quite a few small ones.

Hardanger I have made one big one and

quite a few small cloths to put on side tables

and dressing tables.

Most of the small clothes I have given away as

presents over the years.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


This is a Photo of the Sistine Chapel in Rome at the Vatican.
The Photo was uploaded by Panino allo Zozzone in 2006.
The Sistine Chapel paintings done by Michaelangelo is
something out of this world.
I found this Exercise very interesting.
It is amazing what is on this site.
I found this photo in the Catedrale & Basillica
Group. I then typed in Rome Sistine Chapel
for Search and had this group come up.
The Chapel is worth while seeing if anyone is
ever in Rome.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Well what a week.
Have found it difficult at the start as I felt I was stabbing
in the dark, not having done this programme before.
It has been quite enjoyable working with the colours and
what you can do on a blog.
Still I will stick to Excel after the exercises.