Monday, August 11, 2008


By Ric Anderson

After reading the first three prepectives,
I decided to read the rest first.
They were all most interesting to read.
After reading them all I have come to the
conclusion that all Librarian should do
the web. 2.0. Exercises.

I feel Rick Anderson sums it up in a nutshell.

"Yes" his coments on the "Just in case collection."
I feel are right. This I think mainly on the
"Stack collection." How much do we need to keep?
Do we need to keep say three books the same in
the three big Libraries in the Auckland Region.

Could that be cut down to one if these books have
not been out for ten to twenty years at all.

Again can I say could more of the "Stack books"
be in say Wellington to ease up space in our
overloaded libraries.

It is not that many years ago when we did
everything by hand or on a "Tpyewriter."

The customer in those days had to come to
our Libraries for help. Especially reference Questions.
How things have changed. Remember the days
when reference books were locked up in cupboards
and only Librarians got those books out.

Catologing was done by looking up the catolog.
In this last ten years things have changed so
quickly from hand to computers and self check

We do need to let go of the old and keep up with
the changes that happening around us in the
Techonogly world we live in.

We also need to change to what our "Patrons"
want of our Libraries these days.

Computers I feel must have websites that are
easy to operate for our patrons.

A few years down the track I feel there will
be more business coming in by phone or E-mail
or other Techonogly Equipment.

Digital equipment I feel will play a big part in the
very near future.

Goodness knows what else will come on the market
in the "Techonogly Field,"

In the next couple of years and we must be ready
for the changes.

We just cannot sit back and say we will be right.


After a few goes I managed to get the video
going. What I saw of it, it showed quite a bit
which was very interesting to watch. Which
was in bits and pieces.

Hope some time to get a good look at it again.

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