Tuesday, September 9, 2008



When I first looked at this exercise I thought what
next are we going to be doing in Libraries.

It took me a few times going to the different sites
before I found different ways of getting in without
loging in, as I did not want to become a member in
my Space, so I did not see much in that site.

Facebook was a different story after having a go
three or four times.
Found the videos and I watch some of the one called
"Its all geek to me "Wireless internet Suri"

Hitwise broadcast I took a tour when I sorted out the
different section at the top of the screen.

Went into "My Space Sunrise" and watch the You tube.

Found the Social networking video on the designer
of Facebook in one of the sites.

Over all yes these websites will be great for the younger

people who want to make friends and do facebook pages.

I feel I don't need to do this on the web, as enough people
know me in New Zealand and Overseas. I find it is hard
enough keeping up with all my mates now leave alone
to many more to e-mail to.

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