Thursday, July 31, 2008


#2 (WEEK 1)

I have done many crocheted cloths and

hardhanger clothes over the years.

I have made two big ones that

fit a four foot round table and

quite a few small ones.

Hardanger I have made one big one and

quite a few small cloths to put on side tables

and dressing tables.

Most of the small clothes I have given away as

presents over the years.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


This is a Photo of the Sistine Chapel in Rome at the Vatican.
The Photo was uploaded by Panino allo Zozzone in 2006.
The Sistine Chapel paintings done by Michaelangelo is
something out of this world.
I found this Exercise very interesting.
It is amazing what is on this site.
I found this photo in the Catedrale & Basillica
Group. I then typed in Rome Sistine Chapel
for Search and had this group come up.
The Chapel is worth while seeing if anyone is
ever in Rome.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Well what a week.
Have found it difficult at the start as I felt I was stabbing
in the dark, not having done this programme before.
It has been quite enjoyable working with the colours and
what you can do on a blog.
Still I will stick to Excel after the exercises.